Communicate to over 39 million people in the UK

Social Engage

ENGAGE with your customers in ways you have never done before

Package information

About Social Engage

There is a misconception that posting content on the likes of Facebook will be seen by your followers, however if they are not engaging with you then it is likely your post will not be seen in their feed, resulting in low, even no visibility. What good is that doing your business?

This is the creation of a social media account using your branding. Does your social media actually sell your vehicles? Or is your current content irrelevant to active buyers? Our successful promotion of your selected stock on social media ensures your stock is visible to potential buyers actively searching for exactly what you are offering. 

All of the benefits

Why Social Engage?

Keeping in front of your customers and creating new ones, through various social channels is very important for many reasons. 

Current customers might not be in the market just yet for a new car, service or MOT, but by being ever-present will remind them of who they need to come to when the time is right. 

New customers can be targeted demographically and geographically – putting your stock and services right in front of them when and where you choose.

Social media doesn’t stop, and being in front of your customers and potential customers  24/7,   gives you better opportunities to do business.


Timely posts

We can create posts that are timed to appear in front of your audience at peak times

This gives your product greater visibility.



We talk to you on a regular basis, leaving you in control and allowing us to  get the most from your social media presence.



If you do not already have Facebook page, or it is not complete, we can create a Facebook page for you from scratch, or optimise an existing one.



We can target the area you want to cover, be it a town, county or even national.



The type of people that might be interested in your product.  Age, interests, likes and dislikes.

See how people are reacting

View reports instantly, updated daily

Access to your Facebook insights results can be viewed 24/7 and reports on how your posted content & offers are performing.

These results show you details such as;

  • Page views
  • Page likes
  • Post Reach
  • Post engagement

This ensures that we are developing the right content and engaging your audience in the correct way.


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Social Engage Package

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01556 504 693

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